Individuals with autism usually exhibit at least half of the traits listed below. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and very intensity from symptom to symptom. In addition, the behavior usually occurs across many different situations and is consistently inappropriate for their age.
- Insistence on sameness; resists change in routine
- Severe language deficits
- Difficulty in expressing needs; uses gestures or pointing instead of words
- Echolalia (repeating words or phrases in place of normal responsive language)
- Laughing, crying, or showing distress for reasons not apparent to others
- Prefers to be alone: aloof manner
- Tantrums – displays extreme distress for no apparent reason
- Difficulty in mixing with others
- May not want cuddling or act cuddly
- Little or no eye contact
- Unresponsive to normal teaching methods
- Sustained odd play
- Spins objects
- Inappropriate attachment to objects
- Apparent oversensitivity or undersensitivity to pain
- No real fear of dangers
- Noticeable physical overactivity or extreme underactivity
- Not responsive to verbal cues; acts as if deaf although hearing tests in normal range
- Uneven gross/fine motor skills (may not kick a ball but can stack blocks)
Please note this symptom list is not a substitute for a full-scale diagnostic assessment.